Thursday 7 April 2011

Stone Lifting

Stone Lifting

The lifting of stones has been a common Test of Strength for century upon century and in some parts of the World there are still competititions to test who is the manliest man!

Stone lifting is very common throughout northern Europe especially Scotland, where many of the most famous stones reside, ever heard of the Dinnie Stones or Inver Stone?

Iceland also boasts many famous stones. The stones in Iceland have been categorised as follows fullsterkur meaning full strength weighing 155 kg/341 lbs, the hálfsterkur meaning half strength at 104 kg/228.8 lbs, hálfdrættingur meaning weakling at 49 kg/107.8 lbs and amlóði meaningUseless at 23 kg/50.6 lbs

I will be using this blog to take a look at Stone Lifting from all over the World, myths and stories about Stone Lifting and also an depth look at Stone training methods and programs that can be used to develop your stone lifting and how it can be used to develop physical fitness for other sports and all round fitness

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